a bunch of random thoughts that run on (probably) every average Indian's mind... read, relate and appreciate!

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Engineering?? Not really.. Really..Part II

I'm sitting on a rusty iron chair surrounded by a dozen odd insects (if it was their idea of being close to Mother Nature) figuring out how much wood it would take to power a city for a day... No.. I don't work for the Electricity Board.. I'm an Engineering student.. and this is what 'Engineering' has to offer. Infact, we have a full-fledged Centre for Energy and Environmental Studies And Technology, which we benignly refer to as 'CEESAT'... the seniors fret to utter it, the freshers toil in the sun to tackle it... It's a research facility that has a hybrid solar-wind energy conversion system that boasts of superior power production..... and yet on an occasional weekday we get to spend some time in the dark pondering about the purpose of humankind and contemplating on how to finish the Physics, Chemistry,Mechanical Engg, Civil Engg, etc and etc assignments!!

Welcome to 'Quality Engineering Education'.

Again.. let me emphasize on the fact that I AM NOT TRYING TO PAINT A NOT-SO-POSITIVE PICTURE OF ENGINEERING IN INDIA... I don't really know about how much the students 'learn' in other places.. Well.. atleast in my case, this is exactly what can happen.. It's one of those physics classes.. the teacher walks in with a contemptuous smile on her face.. after the doling out of the attendance,

( Yes!! they check if you're in class.. EVERY class, just like they check if all the convicts have returned to their cells... I have just this to say to those ppl behind this idea.. 'If you're only so confident in your educational system.. i think you should consider changing what happens in class to make us 'convicts' come begging after the teacher for more classes rather than run out of class as soon as the Prof. turns his head around..)

yeah.. as i was saying.. after the mechanical roll call, she sprawls something on the board which none (or should i be that much more sure that it's NONE) of us seem to comprehend... the first few steps have been "QUOTED" off some pre-existent theory.. which the ppl at school have gleefully avoided teaching us.. the enquiring minds that we have, some of us question the authenticity of that first step.. pat comes the answer "You've done it in school (have we??).. i can't be teaching you again".


so the story goes.. the time is up.. the teacher turns her back.. and the fastest of us are already at the water cooler....... you figure!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hmmmm....... u still seem to present a bleak picture of your engg program at nitt, most of em have seem to got over it....like harshad, bargav n all....


..thoughts of the past..