a bunch of random thoughts that run on (probably) every average Indian's mind... read, relate and appreciate!

Thursday, May 12, 2005

When downloading means trouble...

I'm sitting at home listening to music (i mean to that humble collection of close to 3GB of songs) when all of a sudden there's a brand new album on TV... so I sit up, turn on the volume and listen to what i rate as being,... pretty good. Like it happens to all good things, the song wasn't played fully. Frustrated, I surf channels to see if any other music channel is playing the same thing... after a lot of commercials, dumb movie promos and what not, I find it... and LO it was just getting over. So I get back to listening to my faithful collection of music that I can play at a moments notice, and most importantly... FULLY! Hey, now are you thinking what i was thinking?? Thats it! All I had to do was to download the newest songs from the internet... Now why didn't I think of this before! Then the fact hits me- that my internet connection isn't fast enough. So off I am convincing my parents about the myriad pluspoints of this new phenomenon called broadband. This one time (miraculously) my negotiation skills paid off.. my Dad agreed!Yippiyaiye!!! The guy from that broadband company comes home, makes my dad sign in a couple of places, pulls a few cables, puts a few new drivers on my computer... and thats it... I was connected to the internet through ">>>'BROADBAND'<<<". I went online for the first time expecting the pages to flash in front of my eyes so fast that I wouldn't have time to think of what to do next. So I typed in the URL and hit the Enter key... The so-very-familiar Google logo appeared, faster than I had ever seen it appear on my Dial-up. My jaws did drop(I must admit). It was time to test the internet speed. I went to one of those 'check-your-broadband-speed' sites. Sure enough, the meter showed a heart racing 115Kbps.. not bad for a 128Kbps connection. I was truly impressed. Silly me. Now it was time to download something... yes I know I just said the magic word... I got to the search engine adn typed in the name of that album and asking for a download link. This threw up garbage-truck-loads of web portals that I, even to this day, hate to look at. After tasting a lot of dead links, useless advertisements and music purchase sites, I gave up! Morover, the broadband connection did come at a price...and a not so pretty one at that. I was shelling out something close to 30 bucks an hour. It was another fine morning browsing the web on the 'broad'band when i come across this amazing concept of peer to peer file sharing. So I get hold of this torrent stuff and start downloading something... at last some decent stuff. But whoa! hold your horses... the broadband bill (charged by the hour and through my nose) arrives and the mind numbing 4 digit number undid all that I did to convince my parents. This immediate threat to my boon (the lousy broadband connection) made me nervous. Then I solemnly swore to limit the bill(atleast try to) to maybe 500 bucks. It was the most frustrating thing that could happen to anybody... this wasn't broadband... all those advertisements about being online always and all that crap were just those sales people doing their best at the 60 second commercial. Hell! After some calculation, I came to the conclusion that compared to my dialup, this was only marginally better, if not any! Bah Humbug.

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..thoughts of the past..